This week we took the girls to Atlantic City!! It was awesome but challenging, because as you know, staying fit while on vacation ‘ always easy. However, the good news is that it is absolutely doable and I’m here to show you how.

Top 5 Tips to “Staying Fit” on vacation:

  1. Drink Up. Carry bottled water with you at all times. Staying hydrated is not only healthy but it will help you stay full longer and therefore curb your appetite.
  2. Move More. Choose to go places where you have an opportunity to walk, swim, hike or move your body. This will help you burn the excess calories.
  3. Snack Healthy. Pack healthy snacks to go and munch on them through the day. This will keep you energized while keeping your caloric intake in check.
  4. Relax. Yes, vacations are to be enjoyed. But, did you know that the human body has a greater ability to burn fat when you’re relaxed? So, loosen up and enjoy.
  5. Get Back Quick. The key to getting in the best shape of your life and staying there is CONSISTENCY. Therefore, as soon as you get back from your trip, make sure to hit the gym and get back on your diet.

I hope you find these helpful. And remember, I’m here to answer your questions and help you get the body of your dreams. So, visit me at or call for a FREE consultation at 954-2924105. I look forward to hearing from you.

‘Till next week, AM~