Need a little help choosing natural weight loss products?

When I work with a client on a wellness plan I always go over the importance of incorporating a quality supplement program that will support superb health and wellness. The same goes for a new weight loss client. Sometimes my weight loss clients ask for a little extra help though in either kick starting their diet and/or helping them when they can’t lose that last 10 pounds. There are a lot of products out there so I like to let each person know what the difference is in products and their ingredients.

Weight Loss Products Derived From Natural Plants:

Raspberry Ketones:

Raspberry ketones are used orally for weight loss, obesity and increasing lean body mass. Raspberry ketones have been studied in only small uncontrolled clinical trials it does seem to have an effect on weight and body fat mass in healthy adults. Raspberry ketone is structurally similar to the stimulant synephrine, and therefore could potentially have stimulant like side effects. It’s best to always advise a qualified nutrition professional before considering taking this as a supplement.

Garcinia Cabogia:

Garcinia has been touted as the new “it” weight loss product. It has been featured on the Dr. Oz show as an effective weight loss agent. The research however is less convincing when it comes to actual results. There is contradictory evidence about the effects of garcinia on weight loss. Some clinical research indicated that taking garcina fruit rind extract orally does not help to significantly decrease weight, satiety, fat oxidation or energy expenditure in obese people. However other studies indicate the opposite. The active ingredient in garcina is known as HCA (hydroxyl citric acid) HCA has been theorized to neutralize the body from storing excess fat and also has a fat “burning” component as well. Clearly more research is needed to fully understand the benefits of Garcinia. Some animal research also indicated that HCA may suppress appetite.

Green Tea:

Orally green tea is used for many issues, one including weight loss. Clinically however there is conflicting evidence about its effectiveness as a weight loss agent. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant and may play a beneficial role in reducing the risk of some cancers such as bladder, esophageal and pancreatic cancers. As for weight loss there is little evidence to suggest that green tea alone will offer any benefit when it comes to weight loss.

So how do you choose which one is right for you? I work directly with my clients from the beginning on which products and ingredients they tend to be sensitive to and go from there. I encourage at least sticking to any product for at least two weeks in order to see proper results.