Talk about a mad schedule! Karen, single and 41, has worked long and demanding hours for years in the entertainment industry, including taking charge of the camera as an Assistant Director for the TV show “Mad Men”. She’s recently left a grueling production schedule and switched to commercials so she can set her schedule, focus on herself and take charge of change her own life.

A self-described food addict with cake and cookies as her “go to” weaknesses, Karen has a family history of obesity and issues with a father who was absent in her childhood. Once down to a size 4, she went right back to being “fat person” because as admits she tends to turn to food as soon as she feels people abandon her. Standing next to the most beautiful people in the world, Karen feels like a “troll” and knows her weight is holding her back from a lot.

Ambitious not only in her work life, Karen is motivated to lose weight to regain control of her own well-being and career, and wants to lose at least 50 pounds or wear a size 6, whichever comes first. Loving sailing and biking, Karen isn’t ready to sail off into the sunset just yet, and looks forward to saying Lights, Camera Action! on the big screen of her own life.

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Weight Loss

Starting: Final: Difference:
192 lbs 192 lbs – lbs

Karen Radzikowski Mission Makeover Video Diary