The Frequent Flyer

Brenda remembers the days in South Florida where winter wasn’t quite as warm as it is today. Her family relocated from North Carolina in her childhood, a childhood she describes as quite idyllic with beautiful weather and minimal high rises and construction. As much as she loved her hometown Brenda became a Stewardess (pre-political correctness, it was the 60’s) right after high school to see the world. She spent the next 28 years traveling all over, from local stops such as the Bahamas to more far flung destinations like Alaska and Vietnam.

During her high flying career she always maintained her South Florida roots; she married and raised a family all while continuing to fly the friendly skies until her airline ceased to exist in the early 90’s, at which point she segued into a career in the real estate industry, working with her husband and brother, a career this grandmother of two continues to this day. Still active in work and her family life, Brenda has been neglecting caring for herself for far too long and looks forward to Mission Makeover helping her change that. This determined lady is not deterred by her late entry into the game and is excited for the chance to travel again, the road to health and wellness.

Before Weight Loss Pictures of Brenda Selner

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